Yoga Odyssey 瑜 珈 探 索
The Odyssey Starts Here!
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The Odyssey Starts Here!
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精彩历程由此开始 向下滚动查看个人相册...
Welcome to Huiping Mo's Yoga Odyssey, a collection of online photo albums chronicling her rise from a small town dance hero to professional ballerina, fitness instructor and world class yoga teacher. Spanning more than a decade, two continents, over two hundred teachers and thousands of hours of practice, study and reflection, Huiping's quest for health, fitness and the meaning of her life culminated in the opening of Bikram Yoga in Beijing and, a two year endeavor and the visit of her friend and mentor Emmy Cleaves who presided over the grand opening.
Huiping lived every young girl's fantasy of performing on the big stage as a ballerina and went on to become an acclaimed performer in the US. Her journey of discovery depicts a determined young woman who overcomes language, cultural barriers and other adversities to achieve top honors in her chosen profession.
These series of albums represent the seeds of a life journey which were planted in Taiwan, nurtured in the US and now blossoming in mainland China. These albums are a work in progress and new content, descriptions and translations will be added regularly.
Enjoy the journey!
Huiping lived every young girl's fantasy of performing on the big stage as a ballerina and went on to become an acclaimed performer in the US. Her journey of discovery depicts a determined young woman who overcomes language, cultural barriers and other adversities to achieve top honors in her chosen profession.
These series of albums represent the seeds of a life journey which were planted in Taiwan, nurtured in the US and now blossoming in mainland China. These albums are a work in progress and new content, descriptions and translations will be added regularly.
Enjoy the journey!
Kaoshiung, Taiwan - the early years...
"When I first saw her move, I knew there was a talent inside waiting to understand Huiping you have to see her dance… |
"当 我 第 一 次 见 到 她 的 动 作 时 才 知 道 她 是 一 位 正 在 等 待 被 挖 掘 的 新 星 … |
Joffrey Ballet - New York City, USA
Huiping Mo - The Swan Queen
Music 音乐 : "Swan Lake" Swan Queen, Huiping Mo, lives every young girl's dream of becoming a ballerina with a solo performance showcasing her passion for the dancing arts in this A Joffrey Ballet School production. "天鹅湖":独舞 莫慧萍和每个女孩一样,都怀有能在Joffrey的" 天鹅湖"演出中能单独跳一段舞蹈 的梦想。 |
A teenage girl from China achieves her dream of dancing on the big stage entertaining audiences across the USA, overcoming language and cultural adversity and the competitive nature of the ballet world. She matures into a young woman, returns to China, trades her dance shoes for a yoga mat and once again finds the joy and satisfaction of the big stage: this time in the yoga studio.
一个来自中国的年轻女孩实现了她在全美巡演的梦想,克服了语言障碍和文化差异,还有芭蕾舞界激烈的竞争。 她蜕变成一个成熟的女人后,回到了中国。她脱下了芭蕾舞鞋,拿起了瑜珈垫, 在另一个大舞台上找到了快乐和满足:这次是在瑜珈教室里。 欢迎来到慧萍瑜珈生涯影集展,在线影集记录了慧萍从一个小镇的舞蹈冠军成长为一名专业芭蕾舞演员,健康教练和世界一级瑜珈教室的历程。历经十年光阴,穿越 两大洲,拥有超过200名老师,上千个小时的练习,学习和深思,慧萍对健康和生活的诠释在北京的比克拉姆瑜珈会馆里达到了巅峰。经过了两年的努力,慧萍的 朋友与启蒙老师Emmy Cleaves主持了这一盛大开业庆典。 慧萍从小就有成为一名芭蕾舞演员的梦想,后来逐渐成为美国十分受欢迎的演员之一。她的经历向人们展示了一名有决心的年轻女孩克服了语言障碍,文化差异和重重困难,最终达到了专业领域的巅峰。 这个系列的相册展示了一颗种子生长在台湾,孕育在美国,最后在中国大陆开花结果。这些相册还都在不断的完善,一些新的内容,描述和翻译也将陆续增加。 享受愉悦之美! |